Topic Wise Words

Topic Personality:: PAGE #7

:: You order some more food because youre peckish :: We blame them for violence in society vulgar tastes and a host of other ills:: he was seen as the embodiment of the vulgarity of the 1980s:: She was accused of being superior and distant because she spurns requests to appear on television or model for magazine covers:: The two powerful explosive charges being laid are expertly placed:: Now Seoul is in the uncomfortable position of having to accept an embarrassingly low bid:: Among other embarrassments the firms were run by felons and hired felons to make the prolaw enforcement pitch:: The directors also revealed that the club is appointing top Australian coach Leo Epifania as head coach:: And yes I had even listened fixedly and absorbedly to the unabashed flavour of the Spanish Gypsy musicians:: seeing your tiny baby suffering with wind and gripe:: And you ask why chivalrous men are a dying breed:: I figure that chivalry honour friendship and of course romance are all part of film noir as is the inner darkness of the central character usually and certainly the villains:: You call me in to see and I explain that it would be unkind to leave it there it might crawl to the floor we must take care that no one squashes it:: That anyone would find his lousy play any good infuriates him:: From now on he accompanied his new lord through numerous adventures and battles as the faithful vassal and second banana :: They are supposed to abhor pusillanimous or sycophantic behavior:: he may look scary but people assure us hes really a pussycat:: I think whoever follows him can build on that wonder rapport that Pope John Paul II had with youth:: If the concert had been at the South Bank or the Barbican I would have had to decline the drinkup but the wonderfulness of working at the heart of Westminster Village was the ability to nip to the concert as an interval in the works drinkies:: Firefighter Dan who had known Adam for a number of years looked at his friend in wonderment :: Not every person who is prowar or antigun control is a prolife antigay religious nut :: Who knew drinking out of a baby bottle could be so much fun:: Before you started your research had you been sympathetic toward the idea of antidepressants:: The landed gentry had some sympathy with popular resentment of the activities of moneyed and mercantile entrepreneurs:: My head whipped around as i heard the sound of a branch snap :: Finders are legally allowed to keep their finds unless they are classed as treasure usually a gold or silver object dating back over 300 years:: We recoil at the idea of growing human beings for spare body parts or creating life for our convenience:: I nodded my head slowly suddenly realizing that I was dealing with an arrogant conceited jerk
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